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Land Owners Banquet

Seven Lakes Whitelaw, WI, United States

Cash bar, along with free beer and soda will start at 2pm, followed by a buffet dinner of Chicken & Tips at 3pm.  Each family attending should bring a $10.00 door prize for the land owners.  RSVP to Ed Radandt at 323-9008. Let's have a good showing letting our land owners know how much we … Continue reading »

Alliance January Meeting

Kellnersville Bar & Banquet Hall Kellnersville, WI, United States

7pm at Kellnersville Bar & Banquet in Kellnersville, sponsored by the Inland Snowblazers.

January Club Meeting – CANCELLED

Pack'er Inn 6619 CTH F, Newton, WI, United States

If you're interested in eating before the meeting, be there by 5:30pm.  Come to the meeting to be eligible for the meeting attendance drawing prize.

April Club Meeting

Gill's Whitelaw, WI, United States

See you at 7pm at Gill's in Whitelaw. If you would like to eat before the meeting, by there by 5:30pm.

Alliance Corn Roast & Meeting

Collins Fire House Collins, WI, United States

The 2021 Alliance corn roast will be held on Wednesday, August 11th, beginning at 6pm, at the north side of the Collins Fire House, followed by the first meeting of the season at 7pm, hosted by the Collins Paradise Sno-Riders.

Life Celebration of Joe Matthias – Car & Truck Show

Newton Park Newton, WI, United States

Come join the Life Celebration of Joe Matthias, at the Newton Park, where a Car & Truck Show is included. Food & Beverages will be provided by the Lakeshore Snowmobile Club, along with the Newton Sno-Sports.

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving to your Families & Friends!

Alliance December meeting

Kellnersville Bar & Banquet Hall Kellnersville, WI, United States

7pm meeting at Kellnersville Bar & Banquet Hall in Kellnersville

Club December Meeting

Ric's Bar & Grill Highway 10, Whitelaw, WI, United States

Although a December meeting is not typical since Christmas parties have taken precedence, we will NOT be having a Christmas Party again this year. Our meeting will however, have some bucket raffle fun prior to Christmas. If you plan to eat before the meeting, be there by 5:30pm. Hope to see you there.